Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The End of The World.

What would you do if you found out you only had a short time to live? Would you do everything you've ever wanted and couldn't? Would you do everything right or would you live recklessly because it wouldn't matter anyway? Would you make sure you were "right with God"? Would you make sure that you were "right" with the RIGHT God?
This weekend, a new movie starts showing in theaters, "2012", and I would like to see it. (I may have more thoughts afterward.) It's supposed to be about the world ending in 2012. The Mayan calendar supposedly ends in that year. But, what if they ran out of stones to chisel? Or what if their only chisel broke? Maybe they ran out of ink. Maybe they ran out of paper. What if the guy who was in charge of printing the calendars died and no one else knew how to do his job?
Many people, especially those who were born in the south, believe they are saved, because they "grew up" in church. If you go to church, you must be saved, because God is in church, so if I go where He is, I must automatically be saved.
Some people believe that God would never send someone to hell just because they don't go to church or because they don't really practice any religion. What if my religion is right and yours is wrong or yours is right and mine is wrong? What if you think that Buddhism is right? Would a loving and God of mercy and grace condemn you to hell? Surely not, because He is a God of mercy and grace. Others believe that we all worship the same God and we choose to call him something different, i.e. Buddha, Allah, Mohamed.
The problem with these schools of thought is that God is a just and jealous God and, because He is such, He wants us to love only Him and to worship only Him. The other "gods" were just men. They weren't any different than Jim Jones or any other cult leader. They didn't form the earth or create man or cause the world to spin on an axis. They just had great ideas about being kind to one another. They talked a good game and maybe had a lot of charisma. Maybe they were like the modern day actors and actresses in Hollywood. They put on a great show, lots of people held them in high esteem, but in the end, they still put their pants on one leg at a time. And, I hate to state this fact, they all had issues just like everyone else. They also didn't know the difference between "religion" and "relationship". I have a relationship with God and it has nothing to do with religion. Religion might be a ritualistic thing, I don't know; just a thought.
The sad thing, about people in the limelight, is that they have a greater opportunity to reach many more people than the average person would ever be able to reach with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When we stand before the Throne of Grace and are judged by our Lord and Saviour, what will we have to say? Oprah will be able to say that she had all of the famous people of the world on her stage and that she embraced everyone of every kind and every religion. She claims to be a Christian. Is she? Where's the fruit? Is she a good role model? She openly lives in "sin" with her longtime boyrfriend. Is it a sign of being a Christian to give away millions of dollars to charity or giving a new car to everyone in her audience? If good deeds are the way into heaven, then I know of many bad people who did good deeds. Ted Bundy gave a lot of women rides in his car, who may have otherwise been stranded on the side of the road. Thankfully, he gave his life to the Lord before he died. I can't say whether or not he meant it or if Oprah is really a Christian, but I think we'll be shocked when we get to heaven when we look around and see whose there. We may be equally shocked when we look around and see whose not there. Then there are those who will be in hell and not be shocked at all why their friends or family are right there with them. There may even be a few people in hell who you may have been certain were headed toward heaven.
What about "The Last Lecture" given by Randy Pausch? He wanted to say some important things to his classes, his family and to the world before he died. He had two years to say what was important and I never once heard him mention God. It broke my heart for many reasons. Like Oprah, he had an opportunity to reach millions of people for the Kingdom of God, but I never heard him say anything about his faith. (Note to self: Oprah helped him get to stardom.)
If you're a parent and you don't teach your children about God, who will? The drug dealer on the street corner? The movie star who has been divorced three times and has a new lover every week? If you're a parent and you don't pray for your children, who will? We have a responsibility to pray for our families and to teach our children about God. One day, maybe in 2012, we will stand before God and give an account of our lives. We will be held especially accountable if we held a position in which we could have touched the lives of many and chose not to, or chose the path of least resistance - silence.
So.....what if the world really does end in 2012? Are you concerned about where you will spend your eternity? Are you absolutely sure where you would go, north or south, should you die right this minute? Are you willing to take the risk, assuming you have plenty of time to choose, and not give your life to the Lord?
I hope you keep on LAFN and, as always, that's my opinion and I welcome yours.
Have a God Blessed day!

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